Armand Farrokh
December 29, 2023

Wrap, rest, and plan your attack

Today's that last selling day of the month folks. Maybe you're waiting for that one last deal who promised they'd get it done by 12/22. Or maybe you've inked all of your deals and you're chilling on the couch catching up on some reading from your favorite sales goons.

If you're still waiting for deals, I'm rooting for ya. Even when you're at the top of your game, some deals drag you to the last minute. My last deal at Pave was a $250k logo that literally closed on December 31st... my last day before going full-time on 30MPC.

So if you're closing up those deals. Bookmark this email and come back to it.

But if your deals are inked and you're getting ready for the New Year, this is a special motivational noozy to pump you up for January pipeline building: An excerpt from the "How To Be A Machine" Chapter of The Book On Cold Calling.

The 10 Dial No Pee Rule

Excerpt from The Book On Cold Calling, Chapter One

“You’re not allowed to pee until you’ve made 10 cold calls”

Every morning before work, I’d chug a Venti iced cold brew and embark on a 45 minute commute to the office. I’d walk into work bursting at the seams and do what any normal human being would do: use the restroom, then start working.

I’d wander over to my desk, boot up my computer, chat up the other reps who’d just arrived, and start clearing out my email inbox. I knew I’d have to make some cold calls eventually but just like any average salesperson, I thought that clearing out my inbox and miscellaneous task queue would warm me up to pick up the phone and start prospecting.

The issue is that the exact opposite would happen.

Every second that went by, the phone would look heavier and heavier and other non-revenue generating activities would look more and more appealing. I’d see my fellow sales people across the floor get sucked into their inboxes and the mundane discussions of what they watched on Netflix that weekend. And sometimes I’d get pulled in too. Next thing you know, it’d be 10am and I’d have 0 cold calls and 0 meetings on the board.  

The worst part was at this point I felt like picking up the phone even less than when I first walked in to work. Hey, at least I could look forward to the next episode of Love Island.

But things changed when a month into the job, I read a quote that changed my perspective:

“You don’t have to feel good to get started, but you do need to get started to feel good.”

The first cold call of the day is always the hardest one to make. I never really felt like picking up the phone at 8:03 in the morning… and I definitely felt like it even less at 10:03 or 4:03.

But I realized that once I’d knocked out my first couple dials for the day, it wasn’t so hard to keep the momentum going and rip the rest of them too. I’d get into a flow state of opening the next dial task, punching my 7 digits and skimming my call research once the phone was already ringing.

Getting started was the hard part. And I wasn’t doing myself any favors by wallowing in a state of anxious procrastination for the entire morning by checking email, updating my pipeline, or talking about TV shows that I had no desire to watch.

My solution was the 10 Dial No Pee Rule. No peeing allowed until after I’d broken the seal (pun intended) on my first 10 cold calls for the day.

I’d burst into the office (pun also intended) and open up my laptop as quickly as humanly possible, remarkably motivated to hit my first 10 dials so that I could relieve my aching bladder.  

After ripping through 10 calls, I’d take a quick bathroom break and get right back to dialing.

The office distractions were still there, but I was already riding the wave of positive momentum to finish the rest of my cold calls before anyone else on the sales floor even made their first.

Full bladder = Full pipeline.


If you liked what you saw here, the full book is slated for a Q2 release and you can sign up for the waitlist to hear about it before anyone else (plus we'll send you the manuscript of the introduction chapter for free once you sign up).

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30MPC Book on Cold Calling

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